An asphalt shingle roof that was installed and maintained by a professional roofing contractor can last for a good 20 years. However, through those 20 years, the asphalt shingle roof will go through harsh beatings, enduring rain, wind, snow and heat, which can wear down the asphalt shingles. It’s normal to see degradation over the years. However, how can you tell if your roof has deteriorated naturally or if it has sustained actual roofing damage?
Normal Roof Degradation
If you notice these signs of degradation, it could be a sign that your roof should be closely inspected for impending issues:
Fading Color
Asphalt shingles will start to lose their color as the years go on, especially if they have a darker shade. This is caused by sustained exposure to sunlight. -
Dark Spots
Roof granules are the small rocks on your shingles that act as an extra layer of protection for your roofing system. They will fall off naturally as well as when exposed to wind and rain. As the granules drift away over time, dark spots will form on the shingles where the granules used to be found.
Damaged Roofing System
Here are the signs that you have to look out for that indicate your roof has been damaged, warranting roof repairs and, in some cases, a full-blown roof replacement:
Damaged or Missing Flashing
If you have flashing installed near your roof’s vulnerable points, separation could be a potential issue, and your roof needs to be fully replaced if it does happen. Flashing can separate due to contraction or expectations, causing the flange to lift, allowing wind and water into your home.
Damaged Vents
The housing on your plastic or metal roof might be cracked. In case this happens, you should call a roofing professional to assist with repairs. Granted, patchwork repairs will work, but only temporarily. A long-term fix is ideal for this situation.
Aside from providing renovation roofing services, Ritco Group can also handle your home remodeling needs. With our top-tier solutions and professional design team, we’ll make sure your project, whether it involves home additions or bathroom renovation, goes safely and smoothly. We proudly serve the areas in and around Brentwood, Franklin, Columbia and Murfreesboro, TN. Call us today at (931) 345-3569, or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation. We’d love to hear from you!